The OMH share register is managed by Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited. To view information relating to your security holding, or to update your security holding details, please visit

You will be required to enter your Security Reference Number (SRN) or Holder Identification Number (HIN) as shown on your Issuer Sponsored/CHESS statements and other personal details such as your postcode. If you are already a member of Investor Centre, enter your User ID and password.

2024 Annual General Meeting

The 2024 Annual General Meeting of OMH will be held at Hotel Indigo Singapore Katong, 86 East Coast, Katong Square, Singapore on  Thursday, 16 May 2024 commencing at 10.00am (Perth WST, Malaysia MYT). For more information, please refer to the Notice of Meeting & Explanatory Statement here.

Fungibility of OMH Shares

All shares quoted on both the ASX and Bursa Malaysia will be fully fungible. Shareholders holding OMH shares on the Australian share register may request to remove their shares to the Malaysian share register for trading on Bursa Malaysia. OMH shareholders are recommended to consult their existing broker (s) for steps to open a trading account/CDS account and trade on ASX/Bursa Malaysia. Please refer to the information sheet and FAQ here for more information.

Register Removal Request forms available for download here:
Australia to Malaysia
Malaysia to Australia 


  • Your current holding
  • Transaction history
  • Details of dividends paid

Transact, quickly and easily*

  • Update your payment
  • Change your address *
  • Provide your Tax File Number

*Securityholders sponsored by a broker must contact their broker to change their address.
*You will be required to create an account or be prompted to login when updating holder details.

Electronic communication elections

  • Subscribe to receive notification of general meetings/voting forms and dividend statements by email.

My Documents

  • Direct access to all your investor communication documents, including payment statements.

If you are unable to access the information you require online, please contact Computershare. It will assist if you can quote your current address together with your Security Reference Number (SRN) or Holder Identification Number (HIN) as shown on your Issuer Sponsored/CHESS statements.

Keeping Your Account Safe

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)  recently reported an increase in fraud cases, resulting in stolen shares. To keep your account safe, ASIC has provided tips, which include: 

  • Review your share portfolios regularly, so you’re quicker to detect unauthorized activity. 
  • Use passphrases rather than simple passwords for online accounts.
  • Turn on multi-factor authentication as an extra layer of security to prove your identity.
  • Lock your letterbox to prevent mail theft.
  • Ensure you have provided your most up to date contact details to your stockbroker, share registries and financial services providers.
  • If you receive a new bank card or correspondence that is unexpected, like an update on how your shares are held, the creation of a new account, a notification of sale of your shares or confirmation of a change in contact details, do not ignore the correspondence.

For more information, please read the full article from ASIC here.

Deceased Estate

The process of managing a deceased estate can be complicated and overwhelming. Computershare assists with the process of managing a deceased estate by providing the following services:

1. Deceased Estate Assistant – A guided online process to assist legal personal representatives, executors or administrators with the transfer or sale of estate securities as a result of the death of a securityholder. The online process will generate a ‘custom pack’ unique to the estate’s situation and contain the required instructions and prefilled forms, which must be signed and submitted together with the legal documents to Computershare.

2. Estate Administration Sale Service – Computershare can assist executors and administrators to sell the estate securities. Only securities listed on the ASX and where Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited is the share registry provider.

For more information please visit the Deceased Estate website here: Helping transfer shares from deceased estates – Computershare or contact Computershare with the contact information below.

Contact Information:

Australia: 1300 850 505
International: +(61 3) 9415 4000
Fax Australia: +(61) 3 9473 2500
Fax International: +(61 3) 9473 2500
Postal Address: The Registrar Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited GPO Box 2975 MELBOURNE VICTORIA 3001 AUSTRALIA
