Weekly Prices

Manganese Ore 44% CIF Tianjin, China 6 Sep $5.96 per dry metric ton unit 
Ferrosilicon 75% CIF Japan 11 Sep $1,280 per metric ton
Silicomanganese 65% CIF Japan 11 Sep $900 per metric ton 

Prices reported are average prices collated by Fastmarkets MB and S&P Global Platts. These prices are not necessarily indicative of the sales prices received by OMH*. 

*Prices are reported based on their respective incoterms and are not adjusted for freight, taxes, handling charges, and other costs that may be required to realize a transaction. Prices do not give any indication of available liquidity in the market, and price reporting agencies may roll over prices or adjust prices based on indicative bids or asking prices if there are no transactions in a particular week

Historical Price Movement

