OM Sarawak and BDA Beach Clean Up Initiative in Kampung Kuala Nyalau

Bintulu, 13 May 2024 – Today, OM Materials (Sarawak) Sdn Bhd took the lead in a significant beach cleaning initiative spanning 700 meters along the shores of Kuala Nyalau. In collaboration with the Bintulu Development Authority (BDA) and Kampung Kuala Nyalau community, this endeavor marks a pivotal step towards environmental preservation.

The event, attended by OM Sarawak employees, BDA representatives, and members of the Kampung Kuala Nyalau community, showcased the power of collective action in nurturing Kuala Nyalau’s beach ecosystem. Participants underscored the importance of shared responsibility in safeguarding our natural heritage for future generations.

Held in conjunction with OM Sarawak’s Occupational Safety, Health, and Environment (OSHE) month, the initiative emphasized the critical need for maintaining clean and safe environments, both in workplaces and communities. It also reflects OM Sarawak’s continued efforts and commitments to Goal 14 and 15 of the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG) in biodiversity conservation and preventing pollution.
OM Sarawak encourage participants to continue their commitment to environmental conservation efforts, emphasizing the importance of sustained engagement and ongoing support for initiatives promoting awareness of environmental stewardship.

All parties involved was acknowledged for their dedication and contributions. With a shared sense of pride, participants were encouraged to embrace their role in protecting and preserving the natural beauty of the beach at Kuala Nyalau.

OM Sarawak remains dedicated to promoting sustainability and looks forward to ongoing collaboration with stakeholders and communities to safeguard coastal treasures.

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